Darts anyone?
3D Links:
If you use 3D Studio MAX and you need your animations rendered and output to tape, I would highly recommend The Mouat Company.
Trinity is a great place to purchace plugins for 3DS MAX, and they also create fantastic images and animations.
Go now to 3D Review, the best 3DS Max page out there.
Check out the Ishani
Graphics page, where an awesome programmer by the name of Harry Denholm
writes some fantastic plugins for 3DS MAX!
Andrey Zmievski has written some cool plugins, and has created some awesome
images as well. Visit Terralux.
Peter Watje has written some great plugins also, and is kind enough to
give them away for free. Go Download
Stop by the Atomic Animation page and check out lots of cool 3D artwork by various artists. There are textures and
tutorials also.
Check out Digital Producer Magazine, lots of cool info can be found here.
Tom Hudson has a couple of very handy plugins, including a long-awaited
video post star routine. Go
One of the most informative sites about 3DS MAX is the 3DMAX
page, with news, IRC Chat, how to's, and lots of cool links.
Here's a cool place to get some very detailed planetary texture
Well, OK, here.
Special thanks to Constantine
Thomas, James Hastings-Trew,
and Galen Raben for
creating these maps! Galen also wrote a great piece of astronomy software
called PlanetWatch.
Check out this quick render using the earth map
centered over Africa with a separate cloud layer as a transparency map.
And some other cool links!
Check out the homepage of Mr. Michael Coleman, one of my bestest of friends, and one of the most
talented people you'll ever meet.
Netsurfer Digest highlights cool sites on the web. It is a newsletter which
is e-mailed to you, and it's free! Subscribe!
Oh, and here's what they had to say
about my website.
Pluto is the only planet that we have yet to visit. Find out all about
plans for a future mission to this cold and icy world. Visit the Pluto
Express homepage! Page created by my buddy Steve Brewster.
The Galileo space probe will soon encounter Jupiter's moon Europa!
Keep up to date on its status with reports and a graphical representation
of its current position. Visit Countdown
to Jupiter!

Visit the 60 foot solar tower
at Mt. Wilson Observatory. Page created by my buddy Perry Rose.
Be sure to check out Digital
Xpressions, where you'll find lots of cool 3D images.
Check out Michael Cox's page with lots of cool music and graphics!
Is it a crime or isn't it? Check out Art Crimes.
You like Jazz? Yo baby, me to. So check out All About Jazz!
Live in California do ya? Thought you just felt the ground move a little did ya? Could be one of these.
The HotBot search engine is in my opinion the coolest search engine on
the web. Not only can you search web pages, you can also search newsgroups.
Why not give it a try:
OK, here's one for ya:
Have you ever been walking through a mall, and there's music playing
in the background, and suddenly you realize you're walking in sync with
the music, you know, in rhythm, and with every beat of the drum you feel
yourself taking another step, and you start to feel really silly, even
self-conscious, like everyone's staring at you and grinning, so you purposely
try to walk out of sync by either speeding up or slowing down your pace,
but you find this to be a very difficult thing to do since the alluring
pulse of the music is so hypnotic, and besides, you might look silly speeding
up or slowing down, because people can tell what you're up to, but then
you realize that, without even trying, you're slowly beginning to emerge
from your bondage with the music, and you find that you're no longer walking
to the beat, and gradually the cold sweat you broke into begins to fade,
and now your day can continue as if none of this ever happened?
No need to answer, it's a rhetorical question.
My God.
I just realized it.
Siting here.
December 06, 1997.
After having way too much to drink.
And driving home way too fast.
And endangering lives.
My life included.
And feeling very level.
And yet feeling very scatered.
This is what I just realized:
Everything is poetry.
Just what does this AnimAlu guy look like, anyway?
Many more links coming soon! (If I feel like it...)
"A woman in a bar asked me how I feel, and I said you know how when you're sitting in a chair, and you lean back on two legs, and you lean back too
far, and you almost fall over, but just at the last minute you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time."
--Steven Wright
