Animations detailing the older configuration of the SIM spacecraft, one of the many probes to be deployed during NASA's Origins program.
The SIM Probe will have four main objectives:
1. Detection of new planets around distant stars
2. Measurement of precise distances and positions of stars
3. Mapping of dark matter in our own galaxy
4. Measurement of rotation of distant galaxies
As the SIM probe rotates, starlight will be processed and measurements will be taken...

SIM will be able to detect planets even through the glare of distant suns...

As starlight enters the probe from two different detectors simultaneously, the two
beams are combined and must reach a final sensor at precisely the same time for
measurements to be taken...
Is it an oil derrick? Perhaps a football goalpost? No, it is SIM, whos job it will be to literally seek out
new life and new civilizations - well, at least new planets - from the confines of Earth orbit.